ABFAS Hires New Director of Marketing and Communications

Washington, D.C. (January 13, 2023) – The American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery (ABFAS) recently hired Alexandra Bradley as their new Director of Marketing and Communications. Bradley brings over 16 years of advancing marketing and communications experience to the role.
Bradley joins ABFAS from her most recent role as Director of Communications and Engagement for the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. She holds a B.A. in Communications, Journalism from Georgia State University.
Founded in 1975, ABFAS works to protect and improve the health and welfare of the public by advancing the art and science of podiatric (foot and ankle) surgery. ABFAS facilitates the board certification process, from preparing and supporting candidates for certification to helping members maintain their certification.
The American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery strives to protect and improve the health and welfare of the public by advancing the art and science of foot and ankle surgery. To accomplish this goal, ABFAS grants certification status to candidates who successfully meet the guidelines for demonstrating competency and proficiency in the art and science of foot and ankle surgery.
ABFAS focuses on two main objectives:
Prepare and Support Candidates
- Encourage attainment, through formal training programs, of skills required for the successful practice of the art and science of foot and ankle surgery.
- Verify that candidates are qualified to enter the ABFAS certification process.
Serve Our Members
- Process applications for certification of legally licensed, actively practicing foot and ankle surgeons to ascertain candidates’ competency in the art and science of foot and ankle surgery.
- Grant certification status to candidates who have successfully met the guidelines for demonstrating competency and proficiency in the art and science of foot and ankle surgery.
About SMA
Sterling Martin Associates is a leading, specialty national search firm conducting chief executive-level searches for associations and nonprofit organizations. SMA has built an outstanding reputation by providing impeccable service to its clients and by placing exceptional talent in associations and nonprofits. Based in Washington, DC, SMA has offices in New York, Chicago, Orange County, CA, and Portland, OR.
Founding the firm in 2006 with a mission to combine his search expertise with nonprofit board experience, David martin now leads a highly experienced, diverse team of 15, combining in-depth client analysis with the latest search technologies to create effective, personalized searches. Since the day he founded the firm, David has personally taken a leadership role with every search, for every client.