Recruiter Wisdom: How do I prepare for a follow-up interview?

As previously published on CEO Update

Advice shared from the recruiter expertise of David Martin, CEO and Managing Partner of Sterling Martin Associates

Congratulations: you made it through the first round of interviews! But the work is not over- time to prepare for the second interview.

Review your notes from the first meeting and be prepared with good follow up questions. There is no excuse for not coming in thoroughly prepared. Some clients may ask you to prepare a follow-up presentation. If that is the case, take it seriously, and stay on point.

It’s OK to add a little bit of flair or humor, but don’t overdo it as that can backfire. Ask someone to review your presentation beforehand for overall content and typos.

If nothing has been specifically requested, that is where you might set yourself apart. So pro-actively prepare something for the second round such as a First 100 Days Plan. Keep it simple; a one-pager is fine. Another option could be a 30 day/six month/first year plan.

Generally speaking, clients are impressed that you put the time, thought, and effort into it. Candidates sometimes worry they may commit to the wrong items in their plan, but search committees generally aren’t too concerned about that unless you state something outlandish. They are more interested in the way you think.

Lastly, be able to answer the question “Why you?”. Be prepared with a strong, concise response so you are not fumbling around on this one.